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When It’s Time to Reach Out to Residential Treatment Centers Los Angeles

Residential treatment centers in Los Angeles

One of the most common questions we’re asked is: “when should I reach out to a detox or rehab facility?” The variations on this include: “is it time to check someone I love into detox and residential treatment centers in Los Angeles?” The truth is that no matter the circumstance, it’s never easy. When you or someone you love are struggling with addiction, it’s OK to get help. Many of the people at Conquer have tried to stop in the past. Others were brought here by someone who loved them, as they never would have tried to get help themselves. There are some signs you can look for. 

The Wrong Kind of “Withdrawal” 

When people hear the word “withdrawal” in the context of rehab, they tend to think of the “withdrawal” from the substance they’re abusing. Indeed, should you come to our facility, our detox can help you to better manage the worst of withdrawal. However, there’s a kind of withdrawal that could show it’s time to come to our facility: namely, withdrawing from your friend, family, and those you care about. Someone who withdraws from their support system, the people who love them most, very well could use a facility like ours. That has been a symptom of addiction for so many. 

residential treatment centers in los angeles

Dramatic Changes, Even Seemingly Positive Ones 

Losing weight, for many, is a good thing. In our modern world, there are so many unhealthy foods. With our busy schedules, it can be hard to eat healthy while getting in proper exercise. However, someone fighting addiction who drops a lot of weight quickly may not be healthy. Indeed, it may be the opposite: they could use help right now. Someone who’s gone through major changes in their appetite in a rapid fashion (while fighting addiction) could benefit from our facility. The same goes for someone whose appetite increases dramatically, too. Big changes, while addicted, usually aren’t good. 

What It Could Mean 

You’ll note that we didn’t mention in the above paragraphs exactly what addiction these signs could point to. For some who are battling with alcohol addiction, they’ll exhibit these behaviors. For others, who are addicted to drugs or even negative behaviors, they may also show these signs. In fact, many of the above behaviors could be a sign that a person could best benefit from

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