Massage Therapy Los Angeles

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At Conquer, we’re committed to doing everything we can for our clients to help them lead happy, healthy, and sober lives. When you arrive at our facility, we’ll put together an individualized treatment plan for your specific needs. While that will include more well-known treatments, such as individual therapy and similar, it may also include massage therapy. This can help in a variety of ways.


Massage Therapy: for Health and Wellness

We want you to improve your health, but it’s important to improve your wellness, too. When you’re feeling great, inside and out, (so to speak) you’re that much more likely to live how you want. When you’re happy, you’re less likely to relapse, and fall into the negative, self-destructive cycle you’d previously been in.

That’s where massage therapy can come in.

Experienced, professional massage therapists can provide the sort of massage therapy that gets results. The truth is that massage therapy can help to lessen depression, while alleviating stress and anxiety. Each of those can keep you from enjoying life. Worse, they can lead you back towards negative habits.

Massage therapy can, for lack of a better phrase, help to “rewrite” your body. For example, it’s been shown that massage therapy can actually boost serotonin and dopamine levels in the body. Too often, those struggling with addiction only get a boost in those chemicals from abusing alcohol or drugs. By finding this other way to get them, it can help you to improve your coping mechanisms, thus giving you a better chance to live your life how you want.

One Treatment Among Many

We don’t mean to imply that, should you come to Conquer, it’s possible that your treatment plan will consist exclusively of massage therapy. This treatment is always used in concert with other treatments, so that we can help your mind, body, and spirit. Massage therapy, when utilized along with group therapy, individual therapy, physical fitness, eating right, and more, can be one more way to help to build a better foundation for a sober life.

Then, once you leave Conquer, you’ll be in the best position possible to live how you want. If you’re interested in our massage therapy or any of our other treatments, we’re always glad to talk to you. The first step towards rehab can be the most difficult one. When you’re ready (for yourself or for a loved one) reach out to us at
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