Dual Diagnosis

For those who have a substance abuse issue as well as mental illness, dual diagnosis treatment can be the answer. Whether the substance abuse was caused by the mental illness or vice versa, Conquer’s Dual Diagnosis treatment program treats co-occurring psychological disorders and addiction at the same time. Clients who undergo treatment for both simultaneously have been proven to be more likely to manage their symptoms, to overcome their addiction, and ultimately, live happier, healthier lives.

We understand that there are other options available for dual diagnosis treatment. However, at Conquer, we incorporate dual diagnosis into our clients’ recovery programs from the very beginning.

The moment you arrive at Conquer, our expert, trained medical professionals will identify any and all medical concerns that you might be dealing with. This includes addictions, mental issues, and more. Then, all of this will be incorporated into your treatment plan.

Trauma, bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, anxiety, from mild to severe and everything in between: medical professionals of all kinds agree that dual diagnosis treatment can succeed where many others would fail.

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The Benefits of Simultaneous Treatment

When someone has substance abuse problems or mental health concerns, it can be difficult (if not impossible) for them to lead the life that they want. Living with both at the same time can make it that much more challenging.

The truth is that co-occurring disorders can affect each other, regardless of which came first. For example, should an addict have a mental health concern, that can make their addiction that much worse. Then, even if they should progress through the program, it significantly raises the risk of a relapse.

Someone who’s struggling with depression or anxiety may abuse drugs or alcohol because those can ease the symptoms, if only for a time. If that’s the only way that the person feels relief from their mental health concerns, then it’s all too easy for them to become addicted and develop dependence. Unfortunately, that then makes the symptoms they were attempting to deal with all that much worse.

Of course, underlying mental problems can be exacerbated by substance abuse, too. Genetics, environment, and so much more can contribute to mental disorders. When substance abuse worsens them, everything can be that much more challenging to deal with.

We’re often asked: “Which came first, the mental health issues or the substance abuse?” The truth is that there’s no one hard and fast rule. Every situation, every person is different. That’s the way we treat clients at Conquer. Every client receives a treatment that’s specific to them and their needs.

Signs That Dual Diagnosis Treatment May be Necessary

  • Dramatic, negative changes in behavior
  • Continual exhaustion, or a loss of energy that never seems to replenish
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Sleep patterns that change dramatically, too much or too little
  • Significant changes to appetite 
  • Using substances in risky circumstances

Dual Diagnosis Details


A client’s journey at Conquer begins with detoxification. Dual diagnosis treatment is often recommended during an initial evaluation. Trained medical professionals monitor an individual’s physical and mental situation during the first week. Any necessary changes to their rehab program to better incorporate dual diagnosis are made at this time.

We’ve found that inpatient residential detox can be very helpful for those who are best served by dual diagnosis treatment because it gets them out of a dangerous, enabling environment. Instead, they’re placed with people facing the same challenges they are.


When necessary, medications can be used to treat mental illnesses, ease withdrawal symptoms, and ultimately promote recovery. However, these are used as sparingly as possible, and only when natural detox cannot help.


While every dual diagnosis treatment is different than another, almost every dual diagnosis treatment at Conquer includes some form of psychotherapy. In these sessions, therapists will help patients to explore their illness, educate them on the true roots of mental disorders, and then, work with them to overcome co-occurring symptoms.

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