For those who have a substance abuse issue as well as mental illness, dual diagnosis treatment can be the answer. Whether the substance abuse was caused by the mental illness or vice versa, Conquer’s Dual Diagnosis treatment program treats co-occurring psychological disorders and addiction at the same time. Clients who undergo treatment for both simultaneously have been proven to be more likely to manage their symptoms, to overcome their addiction, and ultimately, live happier, healthier lives.
We understand that there are other options available for dual diagnosis treatment. However, at Conquer, we incorporate dual diagnosis into our clients’ recovery programs from the very beginning.
The moment you arrive at Conquer, our expert, trained medical professionals will identify any and all medical concerns that you might be dealing with. This includes addictions, mental issues, and more. Then, all of this will be incorporated into your treatment plan.
Trauma, bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, anxiety, from mild to severe and everything in between: medical professionals of all kinds agree that dual diagnosis treatment can succeed where many others would fail.