Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles that’s More than the Sum of its Therapies

Have you been looking for a detox and rehab facility with the sorts of treatments and therapies that can help? When you read about different kinds of therapy available at one detox and rehab facility or another, does it seem like they’re either the “same old same old” or so “off the wall” that you worry they might not be effective? These are common concerns when you’re researching various alcohol rehab in Los Angeles centers. At ours, we aim to provide the best, most effective therapy possible for our patients. That means we offer many different proven, effective therapeutic modalities from trained professionals. 

alcohol rehab in Los Angeles

A Treatment Plan for You 

While we offer those many different therapies, we make sure that each of our patients gets the kind of therapy that’s going to be most effective for them. See, when you or a loved one comes to our center, one of our medical professionals will perform a thorough evaluation. This will go over any number of subjects. With that information, we’ll be able to put together a treatment plan that specifically addresses all of your needs. There’s no “cookie cutter” treatment here, no “this therapy worked for someone else – so it must work for you.” Instead, we put together a plan for you and you alone. 

Therapy With Others 

Many, if not all of our patients receive individual therapy while they’re here. However, on top of that, there’s also “Group Therapy.” This is what it sounds like: you’ll be in a supportive, welcoming environment with folks who have gone through the same things you have (or are going through them right now). You can learn from others, all while developing social skills that may have atrophied during your struggle with addiction. Additionally, we also offer “Family Therapy,” as a family suffers as much as any one member. Again, we’ll put together a plan that’s right for your needs. 

Water, Yoga, Massage, and More 

Not all of our forms of “therapy” involve talking to another person. Many of them involve making your body feel better, helping you to develop healthier habits. Aquatic therapy can get you moving freely in the water, with low-impact exercise that makes a real difference (for your body as well as your mood). Speaking of helping your mood, that’s exactly what our yoga and massage therapy can do. Treating the body as well as the mind and spirit is a great pathway to lasting success. 

An Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles Where the Doors are Open 

To reach “lasting success,” however, you do have to make that first step. For many, that’s the most difficult part. When you’re struggling with addiction, it can feel like absolutely everything in your life is trying to keep you from sending that email, making that call, to make that big change. We know how tough that can be. If you want to talk to someone here, you can reach us at (855) 958-4333. 

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