Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center on the Importance of a Relapse Plan

After completing your therapy at a drug and alcohol abuse treatment center, it’s important to have a concrete addiction relapse plan. You may think that it’s not vital but it’s important for your long-term success. Remember that addiction relapse can happen. And it’s one reason we provide our clients a treatment program that includes managing their sobriety after treatment. 

Relapse Program of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center 

Relapse is the most difficult part after receiving addiction treatment. When you go through rehab, maintaining sobriety is a difficult thing. If you fail to stay sober, it means that you relapse. That’s because addiction is like a chronic health condition. Without proper treatment, you’re likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol again. Failure to maintain your regimen prescribed by our specialists would mean relapse is likely in the end. That’s why after treatment, you need to continue the routine you learned from our treatments center. With a continual maintenance effort, you can maintain your sobriety for good. 

If you have been drug-free or alcohol-free for several months or years and you relapse, then the consequences will be more adverse. The reason for this is that your body has adjusted to a life without drugs or alcohol. Thus, when you take a small amount of it, it’ll affect you differently than it used to. You may drink or use too much leading to an overdose. For that reason, having a concrete addiction relapse plan is vital after every treatment. 

Things Involved in Relapse Prevention 

You must have good support after treating your addiction. Your family members and friends must know your triggers so they can help in stopping them from occurring. However, you must not depend on them too much. You also need to help yourself by understanding your weaknesses, challenges, and triggers. In that way, you know how to handle them better. Part of your prevention plan must involve ongoing therapy. It can be cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy. The kind of relapse plan will depend on your situation. Apart from undergoing therapy for your relapse plan, you also need to educate yourself so you experience a strong recovery. For instance, you can attend educational training that helps maintain proper boundaries. You can also choose to attend a trauma workshop. 

There are life skills therapies offered that can help you better handle your life that involves a lot of triggers. Here at Conquer Recovery Centers, we offer aftercare programs to ensure that our patients will enjoy long-term sobriety. You’ll maintain your recovery after undergoing treatment in our center. 

drug and alcohol treatment center

Solutions for Relapse

Preventing relapse is difficult without proper strategy. At Conquer Recovery Centers, we offer evidence-based therapies that can effectively help your drug addiction. Find the treatment options you need to stay sober. Choose the therapies we offer in our drug and alcohol abuse treatment center. Call us today to know more about them: (323) 766-6698

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