The Aftercare Treatment Los Angeles Deserves

Are you concerned about what happens after you leave a detox or rehab facility? Do you worry that you’ll go through detox, and then residential treatment, only to eventually relapse once you leave? These are common, understandable concerns. “One day at a time” is more than just a saying or a cliche, it’s genuinely true. However, when the day comes that you leave Conquer Recovery, we make sure that you have everything you need to be able to stay clean, sober, and happy. That’s what makes our aftercare treatment in Los Angeles stand out from the rest. 

aftercare treatment in Los Angeles

Specific Aftercare Treatment for You 

When you arrive at Conquer Recovery, our medical professionals will give you a complete and thorough evaluation. From there, we’ll devise your entire treatment plan. The same goes for your aftercare treatment, too. When we make your individual aftercare treatment plan, it will take into account everything: your medical history, what you’ve been through, how you’ve progressed, and how you can keep going. That way, your aftercare will be just as personally tailored to your needs as your treatment was inside the walls of Conquer Recovery. 


What Your Aftercare May Consist Of 

It’s important to think of “aftercare” as one more part of your treatment – that is to say, ongoing. To that end, much of it is a continuation of what we built on when you were at Conquer. For example, individual counseling is often a major part of our patients’ aftercare. When you leave Conquer, you’ll face many new challenges as well as opportunities. Those are the kinds of things that your counselor can help you to better prepare for and deal with. By that same token, we also encourage all of our patients to go through 12-step treatment programs, too. We can help there as well. 


Sober Living and Outpatient Care

Whenever possible, we do everything we can to make sure that our clients have a treatment that works right for them. For example, many of our patients are best served by outpatient care. After you go through detox, you’ll visit Conquer up to five days a week. This includes all of the counseling, learning sessions, and more that you might imagine. Then, as time progresses, and you progress, those visits will go to two or three days a week. That’s still plenty of time to learn the skills you’ll need for the best success for the rest of your life. 


Beyond Aftercare Treatment in Los Angeles 

Really, that’s what aftercare is about; the rest of your life. Here at Conquer, one of our main goals is to prepare you for that. That means, for many of our patients, going through detox, getting clean, and then learning what it takes to stay that way. Through developing (or re-developing) social skills, group sessions, and so much more, you can have the kind of foundation that a great life can be built on once you leave. If you’re struggling to take that first step, we’re more than glad to help. You can call us now at (855) 958-4333. 

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